Set in the vibrant Peruvian town of El Carmen, this film highlights the people, town, and dance legacy of African descendants in Peru.
Susana Baca is not only a champion in the performance and preservation of Afro-Peruvian heritage, but also an elegant singer whose shimmering voice sings of love, loss and life.
Considered one of the first Peruvian social films, the short film Cimarrones narrates the episode in which a group of rebellious slaves who led a life of freedom far from the cities, assault a caravan and free two slaves that the Spanish settlers took to be executed.
The residents of Capote narrate how Afro music and dance are part of the traditions and roots of the community. Likewise, the children and the youth reveal that they also wish to maintain this heritage.
A documentary that uses performance, interviews, and a host’s narration to explore and illustrate the dynamic, colorful, and little known art forms of Afro-Peruvian music
The documentary focuses on three extraordinary percussionists: Lalo Izquierdo, Juan Medrano Cotito, and Huevito Lobatón. We give adequate rein to their talent and it is abundantly clear that all three are very charismatic.
Afro-Peruvian Beats is a musical voyage that brings together international musicians Branko, Matias Aguayo and Dengue Dengue Dengue at the “Carnaval Negro” (Black Carnival) in Chincha, the largest black cultural event in Peru.
The music and culture of Afro-Peruvians of the Pacific Coast, perhaps one of the most unknown in the Americas.
A trip through the diversity of Black and native Peruvian music.